Kirkland, WA
Working with the City of Kirkland and the homeowner this design uses mainly native species on a large lot located on Juanita Creek. Wetland species such as Douglas Iris, Twig Dogwood, Showy Milkweed, Rush Grass, and Salmonberry are located near the creek to restore a lost vegetative buffer. Closer to the house, non-invasive ornamentals will provide seasonal color throughout the year.
portland, or
This design was for a young family and incorporated elements for young and old. A large grassy lawn invites kids to the backyard with ‘adventure play’ areas along its perimeter so that they can jump from boulder to balancing logs. A large stone patio was built around three existing fruit trees, which are now hung hammocks, so the family can enjoy relaxing in the shade on a hot summer day. Raised vegetable beds and a berry path provide food and a large pergola allows for the hosting of big dinner parties. The front yard is planted with climate adpative natives that flower throughout the year, creating a welcoming entrance to the house.
Seattle, WA
In this design, stormwater from the roof and surrounding property will be directed to a large lined pond feature planted with wetland plants. The pond will slow down and treat stormwater before it infiltrates into the ground, helping to improve local water quality for native plants and animals. 100% of the plants in the plan are PNW natives or nativars.
Portland, OR
Parking strips are a nice way to extend your garden. For this parking strip we planted a mix of PNW native species and climated adapted ornamentals. With flowers and fall color this parking strip garden will create both a buffer to the noise of the street but also the the sight of parked and moving cars.